The Chairs We See in Movies

An Eames task chair

While watching Avengers: Age of Ultron this past weekend, I noticed one of the chairs on the bridge of the SHIELD Helecarrier was an Eames Aluminum Group Management chair. While I’ve passively noticed chairs on movie sets in the past,…

Seed Power For Breakfast

Breakfast in a Kerr jar
I've been looking for alternatives to my usual Greek yogurt breakfast as an opportunity to incorporate more anti-inflammatory foods and less sugar into the day. This recipe is easy to fix in the morning and travels well on my way to work. By the time I get there it's nice and thick.

Cardio Leg Burner Circuit

An image of the workout

Another new circuit for this morning. This one started off with a 4mi warm up run. Because it was the weekend I could wait until there was some light outside before I walked out the door. Don’t get me wrong,…

75 Burpee Circuit

An image of the workout

I know, 75 burpees really isn’t that many, but on a light workout day it is just enough to make me feel like I did something without killing my arms. This is a great core and upper body workout.

Suicide 300 Circuit

Full Metal Jacket suicides
Remember suicides? No not the running drills you had to do in basketball practice. The other ones. If you're not sure you know what they are, the image above illustrates them well.

Kick-through Circuit

This workout was inspired by a recent video Zuzka Light posted on YouTube. The original workout is meant for those days where there doesn’t seem to be time for anything, even a quick workout to get your heart rate up…