Category notrant

Not everything is worthy of complaint.

Super Happy Fun Time Friday Network Explorer – A visualization tool written in Processing that allows you to explore common connections among you, your network , and networks of others on Macro.scopia – Another Pipes-like webapp tha allows you to mash data together…

Terragen Lanscape Generator

While reading this morning I came across Terragen from a description of a Joan Fontcuberta project mentioned on BLDGBLOG. Terragen is landscape generation software that is available as a free download for non-commercial use, but that also has a number…

Comparisons Using the Universcale

The Universcale, a comparative visualization of the size of objects in our universe, strikes me initially as a combination of concepts similar to the old Eames Powers of 10 movie and the Starship Comparison chart. The interface uses flash to…

Super Happy Fun Time Friday

Links that should have been posted 23 Mar: Sphelar: A spherical solar cell with the ability to utilize indirect light Koral Content Collaboration: Share documents with a group and manage versions. [via] Infrastructures and Their Discontents: Implications for Ubicomp: A…

xFruits – Doing More With Feeds

From the web site xFruits is described as: “…a free online service offering to every user the possibility of: Enriching your home Enlarging your blog’s functionalities Creating, generally, your information system from the RSS feed XFruits makes possible the Mashup…

Alaska Gets a Diner

One thing that has been noticeably missing in Alaska are diners - and no, not places that just have the word "diner" in their name, but authentic, retro diners. If you have visited Alaska you may not have noticed this. Likewise, if you really don't care much for diners, their absence has probably not made much difference to you. If you are a transplant like me, you find that there are a few select places that you latch onto that make living in your area feel like home. Maybe it is a coffee shop, a bookstore, or a bar - choose your poison.

Open Architecture

In today’s world of increasingly open systems and online community participation it seems only natural to find the Open Architecture Network. Announced at this year’s TED conference, this online community endeavors to improve the living standards of five billion people…

Super Happy Fun Time Friday

It must be close to spring because I actually saw the temperature rise above 0°f today AND we move our clocks forward for daylight savings this Sunday (even though daylight savings is a more than antiquated concept for this day…