Category notrant

Not everything is worthy of complaint.

OpenSocial and VLE Possibilities

With Google’s announcements of OpenSocial and Android there is little doubt they have positioned themselves in a key role in online communities for the near future. There is a lot to contemplate in that sentence alone, but I’d like to…

Improving Your Nokia 770

Why even bother with the Nokia 770 anymore? Haven’t there been two product upgrades released by Nokia since the 770? The short answer is yes (the N800 and the 810)… but if you’re interested in a wifi device that can…

Super Happy Fun Time Friday: Sunday Edition

The past three weeks have been a flurry of work, leaving little time to read. Fortunately, the weekend has been a nice break to finally catch up and download. It comes as no surprise that a couple of links from Open Culture have found their way into this week's Fun Time Friday. That blog is an autodidact's ...

Letterpress in Portland

I’m in Portland, OR at the moment for the NWACC Instructional Technology Workshop. I arrived today and took a little time to familiarize myself with the are – specifically the Pearl District at the suggestion of both Chris and Patti..…

Using Atlas to Scout Ahead

This morning I received an email from FreshLogic Studios, and with all the online services and accounts I have I couldn’t quite remember why they were emailing me, so I went to their site to refresh my memory. A few…

Inhaling Architecture

Over at BLDGBLOG Geoff Manaugh writes in “Inhaling 9/11” about the broad range of toxins inhaled by NYC residents during and since 9/11, and what has rained back down on the surrounding area to enter the soil and waterways. Reflecting…

Yo Gabba Gabba

While reading this month’s issue of Print, or some magazine of similar content, an article about the new kids’ show Yo Gabba Gabba caught my eye. Not being a kid, or even having any can be a huge disadvantage, particularly…

Best Chick-flick Ever

Death Proof is going in my book as the most entertaining chick-flick of all time, and my new favorite movie – hands down. Mind you, that I am not a huge Quentin Tarantino fan either – well I was until…

Super Happy Fun Time Friday

15 Excellent Examples of Web Typography – a collection of sites displaying informed treatment of type, collected by ilovetypography – another really great site. Yes, I know everyone is linking to this today but it is really good, so I…