The past three weeks have been a flurry of work, leaving little time to read. Fortunately, the weekend has been a nice break to finally catch up and download. It comes as no surprise that a couple of links from Open Culture have found their way into this week’s Fun Time Friday. That blog is an autodidact’s dream.
Foreign Language Lesson Podcast Collection – Foreign language audio resources from Arabic to Vietnamese. While we’re talking about languages, Mango is flash-based language learning website where you can learn French, Japanese, and Pig Latin just to name a few.
Audio Book Podcast Collection – This list features books as well as some podcast sites.
BookMooch – Lets you swap books with others based on a point system. It is free to join and participate, save the cost of shipping books you’re swapping. They also have a mobile accessible site.
HelloTxt – Another messaging service. Sends messages to Twitter, jaiku, Tumblr, Meemi, beemood, and yapped all from the same page. I noticed last week while I was playing with a Nokia 770 that I couldn’t login into the Twitter site using the device browser (I assume it was an ajax issue). This is one way to get around that.
rsizr – This site is pretty cool if you need to resize an image to a different proportion without smashing everything. If your name drops two or more vowels does that mean you’re cooler than web2.0?
SIMS 141 – Berkley class lectures are now available on YouTube. This class is Search Engines: Technology, Society, and Business.
EM-X270 – Embedded Mobile Device – For the DIY’er in you. This is a fully functional mobile device that arrives ready to use. All you need is to design a super cool enclosure for it. This would be a fun and inexpensive project to play with, but I have to admit I’m currently wishing I had a Nokia N810.