Category notrant

Not everything is worthy of complaint.

Winter Training Update

Training has been going well as the winter progresses.  The weather has been quite mild and the temps have been dipping into the -20°f range for only a couple days at a time. Unfortunately, those couple of days seem to…

Winter Run Log: 10 Nov 09, 5mi

They were making snow out at the top of Birch Hill this morning and it was beautiful to watch it fly up into the air and fall back to the ground again in the orange glow of the lights along…

Object Oriented CSS

I may be outing myself in the nerdiest way, but I really enjoyed Nicole Sullivan’s talk at Web Directions North on Object Oriented CSS. I don’t think anyone I know would be interested in a conversation about strategies in making…

Women’s Olympic Volleyball 1964

I’ve been cruising the internet for video of women’s volleyball and came across this wonderful synopsis of the Japan vs. USSR game during the ’64 Olympic Games in Tokyo. The editing is quite good, and wonderfully conveys the tension of…