Tag notrant

The Wisdom of Six

...on The Meaning of 8. The Sneeze is featuring a review of Cloud Cult's new album The Meaning of 8 - by the resident 6-year old and music guru. Overall he gives an enthusiastic thumbs up and provides some pure insight. It is an absolute joy to read.

While your over at The Sneeze check out "Steve Don't Eat It" where all your questions about the strange mystery food on the grocery shelves are answered - or where you are just grossed out.

Where’s Web2.0?

There are probably a whole lot of Web2.0 collections out there but go2web20.net is certainly the most Web2.0 of them that I have come across. There’s a whole lot of time-killin’ potential if you’re planning on visiting.

A Series of Pipes

Over the past week or so I have been getting re-acquainted with my Yahoo account ever since Flickr decided I needed to tie my two accounts together. Lo and behold I discovered their mashup service Pipes. I can’t help but…

Coffee = Fire

This just proves my belief that coffee is the answer to everything. JavaLog – a fire log made from coffee waste promises eco-friendly fire that provides a warm soothing glow to relax in front of. I can’t help but think…