Category Found

Things of interest stumbled upon.

Super Happy Fun Time Friday Network Explorer – A visualization tool written in Processing that allows you to explore common connections among you, your network , and networks of others on Macro.scopia – Another Pipes-like webapp tha allows you to mash data together…

xFruits – Doing More With Feeds

From the web site xFruits is described as: “…a free online service offering to every user the possibility of: Enriching your home Enlarging your blog’s functionalities Creating, generally, your information system from the RSS feed XFruits makes possible the Mashup…

Super Happy Fun Time Friday

Another belated installment of Fun Time Friday links, but never late than never, right? National Mechanics restaurant and bar in Philadelphia. Great web site, but I didn’t know about the place when I actually lived in PA – so I…

Noteable: TutorialBlog

TutorialBlog has notoriously resource-rich posts, and the latest one is no exception. If you have an eye out for vector resources for graphics then look no further. There are similar posts on this site for things like Photoshop brushes and…


A company named Zyren has an interesting "clock" that they are marketing as the sleep system Night Cove that controls the ambient light in your environment. As a huge fan of sleep I can only imagine the endless hours of well managed, scientifically crafted sleep it could provide - just the thing for the wonky winter nights in Alaska. Despite my torrid love affair with sleep I remember the days when I was a morning person and I miss them. [via]