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Things of interest stumbled upon.

Super Happy Fun Time Friday

A couple years ago my parents came up for a visit to Alaska. Part of the trip involved some campground “camping”. The kind with those giant bath houses that have concrete floors and many shower stalls. One night while I…

Coasters From Sesame Letterpress

Sesame has a collection of letterpress printed coasters that would make me sacrifice the finish on my table to save these beautiful coasters from the swelling ravages of water. Gorgeous. You can view their creations in their Flickr photoset.

Super Happy Fun Time Friday

Actually on a Friday this time. Hell just might freeze over today.
  • Piwik - Weird to say, but cool in concept. This is a web statistics tracking project aimed to develop a open source competitor to Google Analytics.
  • jQuery Tutorial - Think jQuery can do cool things, but don't think you're up to par? This tutorial is a good place to get started if haven't yet gotten the hang of it (like me).
  • Custom laser engraved stuff from moleskines to laptops. The laptops are particularly beautiful. Too bad these Flickr photos aren't organized into a set of all this guys engraving or I would link directly to it. [via Brian Faust - who also has an awesome Friday list]
  • ...

A Gym that Generates Power

I've often wondered just how much energy was being "wasted" - converted to heat and lost to the environment - at the gym as I watched all the people sweating away on their stationary machines. Well, one man is trying to capture back some of that energy and make use of it.

Adam Boesel, a personal trainer in Seattle, is determined to discover new ways to utilize the energy his clients generate to power his gym.

More here.

Casting Shadows

The shadows this pendant light casts across the ceiling are beautiful! Spotted on the FlatPak house flickr photostream. FlatPak house – Aspen, CO Originally uploaded by FlatPak house