3D Eyecandy
Stunning 3D rendering solutions that make real life look – well, just dirty. View the ARTVPS gallery
Creatively Distracted
Creatively Distracted
Stunning 3D rendering solutions that make real life look – well, just dirty. View the ARTVPS gallery
Having a rough day? Take a serene desktop vacation by Hybridworks and restore your inner peace. [via Coudal]
Moo.com is offering to print mini cards of your Flickr photos – $20 for 100 cards form as many photos as you like. If you have a Flickr Pro account you can order 10 cards from 10 different pictures for…
HTML graph, graphs the structure of websites. Written using Processing. View a live map of this site or make one of your own (requires Java). [via coudal] There are more cool projects on the Processing site.
Research Chronology 2 is a project by Aaron Siegel that allows del.icio.us users to visually map their tags chronologically and outline tag “paths”. The visualization that is created provides insight into tagging trends and intersections. [via visualcomplexity]
It occasionally happens that I find myself sucked into YouTube, hopelessly lost down multiple rabbit trails wasting hours at a time. There is no longer a need for TV. Somehow, this past weekend I landed on episode one of Saiunkoku…
Fab-ja-wha? Print your virtual creations to the real world with Fabjectory’s service that will print your SecondLife avatar as a 3D tangible thing. Definitely a vanity purchase, but I would be tempted if I wasn’t afraid of discovering that my…
I forget how I ended up at this article, but it is fascinating none-the-less. It is an interesting introduction to geta, a style of traditional japanese footwear, at Pingmag. All that is left is to figure out where to buy…