Creatively Distracted
Creatively Distracted
Tag SecondLife
Philip Rosedale at TED
Philip Rosedale speaks at TED about virtual worlds, creativity, and possibility. Video below:
One Step Toward Interoperable Virtual Worlds
Linden Labs has successfully moved an SL avatar to OpenSim according to a post made earlier this month by Zha Ewery. Although the news was kept pretty low key, I can’t help but think this is the equivalent of what…
Introduction to Second Life for GEO 493
Presentation about Second Life Using Stixy
Yesterday I gave a couple of small presentations about Second Life to small groups using Stixy instead of PowerPoint.There wasn’t a lot of time to prepare for these, so I collected images, some were mine and some I found on…
The Iditarod in Second Life
The Iditarod is a huge event here in Alaska and the race kicked off this year just a couple of days ago on 01 March. The race was also commemorated in Second Life with a Virtual Iditarod. I wasn’t able…
Streaming Video from a Nokia N800
There is an interesting write up on how to stream video taken on a Nokia N800 into Second Life here. It would be an odd circumstance that I would need to do this, but it is certainly good to know…
US Congress in SL
When Are Computer Simulations the Right Tool?
Gene Koo, Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society as well as Director of Online Training at Legal Aid University, lists three criteria for which computer simulations add value in an educational context: 1. The subject is best…
Virtual Performance Art
JustVirtual has posted a fantastic recap of the ZeroG Sky Dancer’s performance, produced and directed by DanCoyote Antonelli the other night. By all accounts this even was a huge success – even in the face of a buggy grid upgrade…