I’ve been working on the 100 Push Up Challenge and have been trying to incorporate the sets of push ups into circuit workouts to make sure I’m getting an effective workout now that the winter weather has officially set in here in Fairbanks. Today I needed to do set of 22, 30, 20, 20, and 28 push ups. This is what I built around it.
3 rounds of the following (as fast as possible):
- Pushups (22, 30, 20 for each respective round)
- 50 Air squats
- 20 Knee hug crunches
- 20 Step ups
- 10 Roll back goblet squats
- 20 Skater lunges
- 10 Roman twists (w/ KB)
- 10 Jump lunge, kick ups
- 20 Bridges (the glute kind)
Bonus round:
- 20 Push ups
- 10 L-sits
- 30 KB Deadlifts
- 20 Toe-touch crunches
- 28 Push ups
The last 28 push ups really pushed my arms to failure. The whole workout took 0:37:02, and it was the pushups that really slowed me down. I still can’t knock them out quickly.