Alright, so this Fun Time Friday post is a day late, but Friday was so insane there wasn’t time to do any reading at all. Since I am too lazy to come up with a clever name for Saturday link posts we’ll just pretend it is Friday.

40 Under 40 – a collection of photographs of British architects and their studios. Why? Well, isn’t there a  little design voyeur in  all of us? [via]

Docking Cars – More concepts of personal transportation solutions. While I fear I would get crushed to death by the behemoth 4x4s that rule the roads up here in Alaska – I secretly dream of never having to depend on an traditional internal combustion engine to get me back and forth from work and the grocery.

Interchange Tiles – Tiles decorated with 2D interpretations of highway interchanges as seen from GoogleEarth. Very beautiful. [via]

Planet Microformats – Another microformat site: news, tutorials, and resources pulled from, Technorati, Flickr,,, ma.gnolia, Newsvine, and Twitter

wink – Allows you to combine all of your online identities into one place. Also has a widget that lets you place all that stuff on your web site. [via]