Tag technology


A company named Zyren has an interesting "clock" that they are marketing as the sleep system Night Cove that controls the ambient light in your environment. As a huge fan of sleep I can only imagine the endless hours of well managed, scientifically crafted sleep it could provide - just the thing for the wonky winter nights in Alaska. Despite my torrid love affair with sleep I remember the days when I was a morning person and I miss them. [via]

Where’s Web2.0?

There are probably a whole lot of Web2.0 collections out there but go2web20.net is certainly the most Web2.0 of them that I have come across. There’s a whole lot of time-killin’ potential if you’re planning on visiting.

Death and Meta

Cemetery 2.0 is a concept that links burial plots to online repositories of information about the deceased. Information is connected to the physical resting place so that visitors may access the surviving artifacts of that person. This project is a…