Tag interest

NYT Nod to New Words

I should really start reading the NYT. There is a consistent two week lag between the time they publish an article and I discover it though my network. That seems a bit too much of a delay for me, so…

Terragen Lanscape Generator

While reading this morning I came across Terragen from a description of a Joan Fontcuberta project mentioned on BLDGBLOG. Terragen is landscape generation software that is available as a free download for non-commercial use, but that also has a number…

Raving in Kaneva

OMG, the residents of Kaneva are raving lunatics – literally. I signed up for an account and revisited my profile to find 21 strangers had raved me. I think I missed something in that world and need to go back…

Comparisons Using the Universcale

The Universcale, a comparative visualization of the size of objects in our universe, strikes me initially as a combination of concepts similar to the old Eames Powers of 10 movie and the Starship Comparison chart. The interface uses flash to…


A company named Zyren has an interesting "clock" that they are marketing as the sleep system Night Cove that controls the ambient light in your environment. As a huge fan of sleep I can only imagine the endless hours of well managed, scientifically crafted sleep it could provide - just the thing for the wonky winter nights in Alaska. Despite my torrid love affair with sleep I remember the days when I was a morning person and I miss them. [via]

The Wisdom of Six

...on The Meaning of 8. The Sneeze is featuring a review of Cloud Cult's new album The Meaning of 8 - by the resident 6-year old and music guru. Overall he gives an enthusiastic thumbs up and provides some pure insight. It is an absolute joy to read.

While your over at The Sneeze check out "Steve Don't Eat It" where all your questions about the strange mystery food on the grocery shelves are answered - or where you are just grossed out.

Death and Meta

Cemetery 2.0 is a concept that links burial plots to online repositories of information about the deceased. Information is connected to the physical resting place so that visitors may access the surviving artifacts of that person. This project is a…