Playing Nice with Vista

Linden Lab has announced that they plan on having a Vista-friendly client ready in a few weeks. Though a few people claim to be able to run SL on Vista it certainly still a crap shoot. The first efforts have…

Where’s Web2.0?

There are probably a whole lot of Web2.0 collections out there but is certainly the most Web2.0 of them that I have come across. There’s a whole lot of time-killin’ potential if you’re planning on visiting.

A Series of Pipes

Over the past week or so I have been getting re-acquainted with my Yahoo account ever since Flickr decided I needed to tie my two accounts together. Lo and behold I discovered their mashup service Pipes. I can’t help but…

Noteable: Velociraptor

Although I couldn't make it to the NMC Teachers' Buzz this morning, I did log in to see just how much the NMC area has grown. So many islands - and a lot of talent too. While exploring I came across an amazing velociraptor built by Ravenelle Zugzwang located on Service. I didn't even know prims could do things like that!

Archinect on Second Life

Archinect recently posted a great article on Second Life from an architect's perspective. Like many other architectural commentaries about SL, it laments the lack of inspiration and vision characteristic of many structures found around SL, but continues past that into an interesting exploration into possibilities and then into some details about LOL Architects and a classes being taught at the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm and another in Rotterdam. Definitely worth the read if you're looking for some "off the beaten path" sorts of things. Back to the suburban look of SL - while it is true that not all structures found on the grid are devoid of creativity and thoughtfulness toward purpose, location, and environment - many are just replicas of RL neighborhoods. I don't believe this is the fault of the SL platform at all, but an affliction suffered by a segment of the resident population who have been brainwashed by RL fascist cookie cutter companies like Toll Brothers into their ideal of the perfect home. Ideals aside, I have tried to walk through my fair share of hairpin staircases and run into walls and ceilings due to lack of consideration for the viewpoint of the trailing camera. [...]