Christen Bouffard

Christen Bouffard

HTML Graph

HTML graph, graphs the structure of websites. Written using Processing. View a live map of this site or make one of your own (requires Java). [via coudal] There are more cool projects on the Processing site.

Tag Intersections Over Time

Research Chronology 2 is a project by Aaron Siegel that allows users to visually map their tags chronologically and outline tag “paths”. The visualization that is created provides insight into tagging trends and intersections. [via visualcomplexity]

YouTube Nostalgia

It occasionally happens that I find myself sucked into YouTube, hopelessly lost down multiple rabbit trails wasting hours at a time. There is no longer a need for TV. Somehow, this past weekend I landed on episode one of Saiunkoku…


Fab-ja-wha? Print your virtual creations to the real world with Fabjectory’s service that will print your SecondLife avatar as a 3D tangible thing. Definitely a vanity purchase, but I would be tempted if I wasn’t afraid of discovering that my…


I forget how I ended up at this article, but it is fascinating none-the-less. It is an interesting introduction to geta, a style of traditional japanese footwear, at Pingmag. All that is left is to figure out where to buy…

Steve Jobs Speaks

Engadget has captured a play-by-play of Job’s “It’s Showtime” keynote this morning on their site. Among the notable news is a smaller Shuffle, a beefed up Nano, more features for the iPod (and a bigger 80GBs), and finally, an announcement…

Wireless Power

Soon devices integrated with the SplashPower receiver will be revolutionizing the way we power our devices. SplashPower aims to simplify recharging power by eliminating the need for cables. [via Core77]

Art Nouveau Aliens

I love this image by Carlos Schwabe posted at BibliOdyssey. It reenforces a sneaking suspicion – looking at H.R. Giger’s work – that there is something reminiscent of art nouveau in his organic sinew (Alien and Necronomicon). The gratuitously dark…